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  • Suffolk C-E

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    Caldecott (in Fritton)
    Caldecotan: Ralph the Crossbowman.
    Caldecott Hall; tumulus nearby.

    Campsea Ash
    Campese(i)a / Capeseia: Count Alan; Robert Malet's mother; Bishop of Evreaux; Hervey de Bourges. 2 mills, 3 beehives.
    16th century mill; huge fishpond. Part of the 12th century priory for Augustinian canonesses, a fine 14th century timbered hall, survives in Ash Abbey house.

    Candelenta: Bigot.
    Group of cottages; Candlets Farm in Trimley St. Mary.

    Capel St. Andrew
    Capeles: Count Alan; Robert Malet's mother and Walter FitzAubrey from her; Roger Bigot and Norman from him; Abbot of Ely and Robert Malet from him. Church.

    Carlton (in Kelsale)
    Carletuna: Hamo from Count Alan; Robert Malet. ½ fishery.

    Carlton Colville
    Carletuna / Karletuna: Earl Hugh; Hugh de Montfort. 300 herrings, 100 sheep.
    Dormitory village for Lowestoft.

    Kanauadis(c) / Kauanadis(c): Roger de St. Germains from Richard FitzGilbert; Ralph de Limesy. Church, mill. 24 beasts, 110 sheep, 50 pigs.
    Water mill; picturesque cottages.

    Canauatham / Kanauaham: Richard FitzGilbert; Eudo the Steward. Church, 4 mills.
    Near the Icknield Way; ancient Black Ditches.

    Scerdatra: Countess of Albemarle.
    Chadacre Hall, an agricultural college.

    Chamberlain's Hall

    Caresfelda / -fella / Carsfelda / Cere(s)felda / Cer(es)fella / Cerresfella / Keresfelda: Robert Malet's mother; Roger Bigot and Turstan son of Witdo from him; Bishop of Bayeux and Ralph de Savigny from him; Abbot of Ely; Hugh de Montfort; Geoffrey de Mandeville; Countess of Albemarle.
    Ronald Blythe based Akenfield on it.

    Cetessam: King's land, kept by Aluric Wanz.

    Cedebena: Frodo from Abbot of Ely.

    Cedstan / Cidesan(es) / Sedetana: Count Alan; Roger Bigot and Robert de Vals, Anant, Edric and Urf from him; Gilbert the Crossbowman and Osketel and Godric from him. Church.
    Partly Norman church.

    Cerleswrda: Abbot of St. Edmund's before and after 1066. Church, mill. 9 beasts, 20 pigs.

    Ceventuna: Abbot of St. Edmund's before and after 1066. Church, 3 beehives. 22 beasts, 30 pigs, 140 sheep, 40 goats.
    Pond; moated site of an ancient house of the monks of Bury.

    Ciccheli(n)ga / Cikelinga / Citiringa: Robert Malet's mother and Walter from her; Roger de Poitou; Bishop of Thetford. Church (with Wilby).
    Moated site.


    Cesefortda: Count Alan. Church.

    Chilton (in Stowmarket)
    Ciltuna: Abbot of Ely; Hugh de Montfort. Church.
    Chilton Hall, part of Stowmarket.

    Chilton (near Sudbury)
    Ciltona: Walter FitzAubrey from Robert Malet.
    On the outskirts of Sudbury; Tudor hall; moat.

    Cebbenhala / Cibbe- / Cipben- / hala / Cybenhalla: Robert Malet's mother and Walter, Humphrey and Walter son of Grip from her; Abbot of St. Edmund's before and after 1066; Hervey de Bourges. 1½ churches.
    Now Chippenhall Green.

    Clara: Richard FitzGilbert. Church, market, mill, vineyard, 12 beehives.
    Small town, an important borough in the 13th century, with a prehistoric earthwork, and the remains of a Norman castle containing traces of Gilbert de Clare's 1090 priory.

    Calinduna / dune: Aluric from the Vavassors.
    17th century Hall; moated site.

    Clopton (in Wickhambrook)
    Cleptuna / Cloptuna / Copletuna: Abbot of Ely; Richard FitzGilbert and William Pecche from him; Hugh from William de Warenne.
    Now Clopton Green.

    Clopton (near Woodbridge)
    Cleopetona / Clopetona / -tuna / Cloptuna: Hugh de Montfort; Thorold from Ranulph Peverel; Countess of Albemarle and Ulwin the priest from her; William d'Arcis and Bernard de Sancto Audoeno from him; Humphrey the Chamberlain and Amund from him; Robert Malet's mother and Tiger and Gilbert de Colville from her; Roger de Poitou and Roger FitzErnald from him. Church. 30 pigs.

    Cothefelda: Abbot of St. Edmund's before and after 1066 and Berard, James and Coleman from him. Winter mill, 12 beehives. 37 pigs.
    15th century cottage.

    Coddenham (in Boxford)
    Kode(n)ham: Ralph de Limesy. 1½ mills.
    Coddenham Hall.

    Coddenham (near Needham Market)
    Cadenham / Code(n)ham: King's land, kept by Godric; Count Alan; Roger de Poitou and Raymond Giralt from him; Bishop of Bayeux; Humphrey FitzAubrey from Ranulph Peverel; Roger de Raismes and Milo from him; Eudo FitzSpirwic; Abbot of Ely; the Vavassors and Friebarn a priest from them. 2 churches.
    Church with Norman work. The post office is a former inn, c.1500.

    Colestuna: Warner from Hervey de Bourges.
    Colston Hall near Roman road.

    Cambas: Count of Mortain; Hugh de Montfort. 3½ mills. 2 horses, 24 beasts, 101 sheep, 60 goats.

    Coney Weston
    Cunegestuna: Abbot of St. Edmund's before and after 1066. Church.

    Cokel(e)i: Robert de Vals from Roger Bigot; William d'Ecouis.

    Corn(i)erda: King's land, kept by William the Chamberlain and Otto the Goldsmith; Abbot of St. Edmund's before and after 1066; Richard FitzGilbert; Ralph de Limesy. Church, mill. 4 horses, 18 beasts, 80 pigs, 473 sheep.
    Now Great Cornard, a suburb of Sudbury, and the hamlet of Little Cornard.

    Caretuna / Karetuna: King's land, kept by Roger Bigot.
    Seaside caravan site.

    Codetuna / Cotetuna / Coti(n)tuna / Cottuna / Kodetun: King's land, kept by Godric; Robert Malet; Abbot of St. Edmund's; Walter the Deacon from Richard FitzGilbert; Hugh de Montfort. Church.
    Extensive moats.

    Covehithe (formerly North Hales)
    Nordhalla / Norhals / Norhhala / Northala / -hals: Roger Bigot, the pre-Conquest holder, and Norman from him; William de Warenne; William de Boeville from Geoffrey de Mandeville.

    Culinge: Count Alan. Church. 7 beasts, 40 pigs, 40 goats.
    Scattered; 2 moated sites; prison.

    Cranlea: Ralph de Limesy.
    Scattered; manor house; moated site.

    Craneforda / -fort / Cranesfod / -forda / Crenefort: Count Alan; Robert and Walter from Robert Malet; Gilbert from Robert Malet's mother; Roger Bigot and Norman from him. Hervey de Bourges.

    Cratafelda: William Baynard from his uncle Ralph Baynard. Church.
    2 greens; church with a clock-bell, c.1400.

    Cratinga(s)-ingis / Gratingis: Abbot of Bernai; Robert Malet and Walter de Caen and Robert Glanville from him; Roger de Poitou; Roger Bigot and Garenger from Bishop of Bayeux; Count of Mortain; Humfrid from William de Warenne; Walter de St. Valery. Church, mill.
    Now Creeting St. Mary; partly Norman church.

    Creeting St. Peter
    Cratina / -ingis / Gratinga: Robert de Glanville from Robert Malet; Bishop of Bayeux and William de Boeville from Geoffrey de Mandeville; Abbot of Bernai; Walter de St. Valery; St. Mary of Gerstein from Count Mortain. Church, 2 mills. 7 beasts.
    Church with a Norman doorway and nave walls.

    Gratingeham / Gretingaham / -ingeham: Count Alan; Earl Hugh; Bishop of Bayeux and Ralph de Savigny from him; Abbot of Ely; Roger de Candos from Hugh de Montfort; Humphrey the Chamberlain and Amund from him. Church, mill.
    Iron Age earthworks.

    Crofelda: Bishop of Bayeux and Roger Bigot from him; Roger de Raismes.
    Long; built along 'Stone Street', a Roman road.

    Culeforda: Abbot of St. Edmund's before and after 1066, and Peter from him.

    Culfol(a) / fole: Roger de Poitou. Church.
    Abbey Farm with a moat on the Culpho Abbey site.

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    Dagawarda / worda: Hugh de Montfort and Roger and William FitzGross from him; Walter the Deacon. 2 churches, mill. 10 beasts, 40 goats.

    Dalham: Richard FitzGilbert and William Pecche from him. Church. 50 goats.
    Church with a bust of Sir Martin Stuteville, who 'saw the new world with Francis Drake'.

    Dal(l)ingahou / Dalingehou / Delingahou: Count Alan; William and Robert de Glanville from Robert Malet's mother; Roger de Poitou; Abbot of Ely; Hervey de Bourges. Church.

    Dermodesduna: King's land, kept by Godric; Count Alan; Hugh de Montfort; Roger Bigot from Abbot of Ely. Mill.

    Ders(h)am / Diresham: King's land, kept by Roger Bigot; Count Alan; Robert Malet's mother and Walter FitzRichere and Fulcred from her; many freemen and Robert de Vals from Roger Bigot. ½ church.
    Church with Saxon work, some Roman tiles and a Norman doorway.

    De(ben)beis / Depebecs / -bek / -bes: Count Alan; Roger Bigot and Sturstan son of Widdow and Roger de Poitou from him; Bishop of Bayeux; William de Warenne; Geoffrey de Mandeville; Ranulph Peverel.
    Airfield, once a US base and now a mushroom factory.

    Depbe(n)ham / Deph(e)am / Dephenham / Depleham: William Gulafra from Robert Malet and his mother from him; Bishop of Bayeux; Ralph de Savigny from Ranulph Peverel; Abbot of Ely. 2 churches, St. Mary and St. Andrew. 20 pigs, 28 goats.
    Small town. St. Mary's Church has Saxon and Norman work in the tower and porch. Crows Hall is a fine moated house, c.1508.

    Denham (near Bury St. Edmunds)
    Denham: Richard FitzGilbert and W. Hurrant from him. Church.
    Orchards; Denham Castle, motte and bailey earthworks, nearby.

    Denham (near Eye)
    De(l)ham: King's land, kept by William de Noyers; Robert Malet; Roger Bigot and Aitard from him; Bishop of Thetford. Church. 2 horses, 20 goats.
    Scattered; church may have been a college connected with Hoxne priory; moated College Farm.

    Binneuetuna / Dingifetuna / Dingiuetona / -tuna / Dinguiet': Robert Malet's mother. Church, park, 5 beehives. 40 pigs, 30 goats.
    Church with rich furnishings. Home of Bardolph, who fought at Agincourt (1415) and was Henry V's Treasurer. His tomb is in the church; his home is now a farm.

    Damar- / Danar- / Danerdestuna: Richard FitzGilbert and Robert from him; Gerald the Marshal.

    Depdana: Richard FitzGilbert and Frodo and Osbern from him; Hugh de Wancey from William de Warenne. Church, 13 beehives. 17 beasts, 72 pigs, 112 sheep.
    Highest point in Suffolk; church with a Norman doorway.

    Deselinga / Dsilinges: Richard FitzGilbert. 2 churches, 4 mills, 9 beehives.
    Desning Hall; moated site.

    Todenes: Count Alan. Church, mill.
    Dodnash Priory Farm and wood near Bentley.

    Drences / Rengestuna / Drincestona: Count of Mortain; Abbot of St. Edmund's; Abbot of Ely. Church. 2 horses, 32 pigs.
    17th century windmill.

    Duniworda: Roger Bigot.
    Dunningworth Hall.

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    East Bergholt
    Bercolt: King's land, in the charge of Aluric Wanz; Aubrey de Vere from Aluric. Mill.
    Birthplace of the painter John Constable (1776-1837). His father was a miller who owned 16th century Flatford Mill, the manor house and Willy Lotts cottage.

    Estuna: Robert Malet's mother; Roger de Poitou; Milo from Roger de Raismes; Gilbert the Crossbowman from the king.
    Moated sites.

    Easton Bavants
    Estuna: King's land, kept by Roger Bigot.

    Eduardestuna: Hubert from Robert Malet. Church, winter mill.
    On the River Box, on the site of a Norman monastery.

    Ilelega / Illeleia / Lelega: Archbishop Lanfranc; Abbot of St. Edmund's before and after 1066 and Arnulf from him; Tihell de Herion; Bishop of Bayeux; Richard FitzGilbert. Church, 3 mills. 20 pigs, 160 sheep.
    Now 2 villages, Monks and Brent Eleigh.

    Elga: Roger Bigot and Robert de Vals from him.
    Name is old Norse for 'heathen temple'.

    Elmeseta: Roger d'Auberville. Church.

    Elmeswella: Abbot of St. Edmund's before and after 1066. 48 goats.
    Large; mill. Almshouses, c.1614; Romano-British kiln with pottery, discovered in 1964.

    Eluedena / Haluedona / Heluedana / -dona: Count Eustace; Abbot of St. Edmund's before and after 1066; Richard FitzGilbert; Nicholas from William de Warenne. 4 churches, fishery. 410 sheep, 94 goats.
    Forest; Roman finds; church with a Norman window. Thetford Hall was transformed by the Maharaja Duleep Singh, in the 1860s, into an oriental extravaganza.

    Hereswella: Eudo the Steward. Church, 2½ mills, 2 fisheries. 800 sheep.

    Alwartuna / Eurewardestuna: Richard FitzGilbert and Roger from him. One third of a fishery. 8 beasts, 26 pigs.
    Elizabethan hall.

    Eu(e)stuna: Abbot of St. Edmund's and Adelund from him. 2 mills.
    Weir; hall, seat of the Earl of Arlington and later the Dukes of Grafton; gardens and temple by William Kent.

    Essel: King's land, formerly Edeva the Fair; Wymarc from Count Alan. 3 mills (7,000 eels), mill, fishery (1,200 eels).

    Eia / Heia: Robert Malet's mother and Walter the Crossbowman and Walter de Caen from her. Church, market, fishery, park, 2 mills. 60 pigs.
    Small market town. William Malet built a motte and bailey castle on the site of a Saxon fortress; remains of a priory, founded c.1100 by Malet's son. The 101ft tall church steeple is one of the wonders of Suffolk.

    The Domesday Book, 1086

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